Thursday, January 19, 2023

Tmux cheetsheet

Attach and detach

$ tmux Start new tmux session
$ tmux attach Attach to tmux session running in the background
Ctrl+B d Detach from tmux session, leaving it running in the background
Ctrl+B & Exit and quit tmux
Ctrl+B ? List all key bindings (press Q to exit help screen)

Window management

Ctrl+B C Create new window If you are running more than one tmux session (more than one
PID), you can switch between the two clients.
Ctrl+B N Move to next window
Ctrl+B P Move to previous window
Ctrl+B L Move to last window
Ctrl+B 0-9 Move to window by index number
Ctrl+B ) Move to next session
Ctrl+B ( Move to previous session
Ctrl+B Ctrl+Z Suspend session	

Split window into panes

Ctrl+B % Vertical split (panes side by side)
Ctrl+B " Horizontal split (one pane below the other)
Ctrl+B CTRL+O Interchange pane position
Ctrl+B O Move to other pane
Ctrl+B ! Remove all panes but the current one from the window
Ctrl+B Q Display window index numbers
Ctrl+B Ctrl-Up/Down Resize current pane (due north/south)
Ctrl+B Ctrl-Left/Right Resize current pane (due west/east)

Pane related

join-pane -s 1 -t 0 -p 20  "Join pane source 1 into pane target 0 with 20% usage"
break pane  "remove all other panes like CTRL+B !"

# best to create some key bindings into tmux.conf
# pane movement vertical split
bind-key j command-prompt -p "join pane from:"  "join-pane -h -s '%%'"
bind-key s command-prompt -p "send pane to:"  "join-pane -h -t '%%'"

# pane movement
bind-key J command-prompt -p "join pane from:"  "join-pane -s '%%'"
bind-key S command-prompt -p "send pane to:"  "join-pane -t '%%'"

# move panes around
Ctrl+B <space>


CTRL+B [ enter copy mode (user arrows or CTRL+F CTRL+B CTRL+B to move)
SHIFT+v to start select
Movement keys to select
ENTER to copy

CTRL+B ] to paste

q to exit from copy mode


CTRL+B ? List all bindings
For more details -

For all commands see into files that begin with cmd-