Chef has a very nice concept where whatever you need to run is part of a run_list.
run_list. This provides an enforced way to run it as opposite to let control of the execution to the configuration management framework.
Puppet lacks such run list - can use operators as -> but there is no global list.
This trick can simulate a run_list with the same results.
Create a file called test.pp with the content:
class one() {
notice('class one')
class two() {
notice('class two')
class three() {
notice('class three')
define include_list {
$cls = $name
notice("including $name")
include $name
if $fqdn == 'debian.localdomain'{
$clss = ['one', 'two', 'three']
include_list { $clss:; }
And then run it as
puppet apply test.pp
notice: Scope(Include_list[one]): including one
notice: Scope(Class[One]): class one
notice: Scope(Include_list[two]): including two
notice: Scope(Class[Two]): class two
notice: Scope(Include_list[three]): including three
notice: Scope(Class[Three]): class three
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.04 seconds